The Voices In My Head

Ramblings of a Bangkokian Girl

Friday, December 05, 2003

Yay, Pattaya here I come...

Aieeee... I just got back from watching Kill Bill and, BOY, I don't think I've ever cringed, flinched, cowered from pure horror, and winced so very much in such a short period of time before. EEEP! Just when I thought things couldn't get any more cringe-worthy, they would: Uma biting off that guy's lip left me wincing in sympathetic pain, Uma banging Buck's head with the door had me flinching (Bang, flinch. Bang, flinch. BANG, FLEEENCH), Uma hacking off Sophie's arm left me "eep!"-ing in horror, Lucy Liu beheading that Japanese guy with such blatant disregard made my hands fly and feel restlessly for my own neck to make sure I still had one, and finally Uma taking a big Hannibal-esque whack at Lucy Liu's head nearly had me hollering out in pain. Aggghhhh. Lots of blood and gore, indeed. Of course, this isn't to say that the movie didn't rock, because it did. Yes, it was a bloody brilliant movie (heh, pardon the pun). Quentin Tarantino is a freakin genius. Everything was carried out in such an artistic manner, and even though the limbs were sailing all over the place and the blood was jetting and splish-splashing everywhere, it was still like this huge artistic masterpiece. I guess you just have to watch it to get it. Oh, and the soundtrack, although kind of cooky and odd, was awesome. Uh-huh.

By the way, Lucy Liu and Uma Thurman kick major ass. Woohoo.

The Return of the King trailer has got me so revved up for the 19th. Man, going to the cinema to watch LOTR every December has almost become a tradition; it's gonna be kind of sad to say goodbye to it all after ROTK. Sniff sniff.


Anyway, tomorrow's Thai Father's day (it's also the King's birthday), and so, for the three-day weekend, I'm going to be heading out to Pattaya with the rest of the family. I kind of wanted to go to Hua Hin or Cha-Am instead since I think that Pattaya's a little too commercialized and touristy, but J wanted to check out the new aquarium that was built there last year and so we decided on Pattaya instead. Anyway, it should be loads of fun. I have lots of great nostalgic Pattaya memories... There was the time I was 14 and Caro, Nika, and I spent the night there for our Catholicism class and we found a used condom under the bed. Blech. Our virgin eyes! Hah, yeah, and I also remember how Pete, Paul, and Dennis scared the crap out of us when they prank-called our room right after we had just finished scaring ourselves silly with ghost stories. And there was the time during freshman year of college when I went banana-boating (slipped off a lot, too) with a bunch of peeps from uni. Hahaha, great memories indeed.


Oh yeah, in case anyone was wondering, remember that cootie-infested computer at my uni with the, er, graphically explicit wallpaper that I later changed to a pic of Eric "Fat Ass" Cartman? Yeah, well someone has changed it back to a nudie pic and so the computer has again been abandoned and left to rot in the dark confines of the computer lab. I took up your suggestions and I don't think I'll change it this time, that way I'll always be guaranteed a free terminal.


One last thing, I was talking to Korn last night and he told me to check this out. Go, go, go now. It's soo hilarious. Californians might want to steer clear of this, though, seeing as how it gives a brief demonstration of how Cali will one day fall into the Pacific abyss, hehehe.

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